The gloomiest day of the year

That’s what the BBC told us about today.  And I must say that with driving rain and a chilly wind,  plus a number of work frustrations, I agree.  All set up for a conference call at 1 p.m. between me and two others, but the phone remained resolutely silent.  A newsletter I’ve been trying to publish for two weeks now remains incomplete for reasons beyond my control.  People aren’t returning my calls.

james_hookOn the plus side, I’m going to my first-ever Rugby International at the Millennium Stadium in March to see Wales vs Ireland.  As a quarter Scot, who shall I support?  On the one hand there’s the gorgeous Ronan O’ Gara and the other the delectable James Hook.  What a tough call!  I’m very excited.  Equally on the plus side I’m hosting a Burns Night Supper on Saturday.  Better dig out the Burns anthology.

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